Monday, July 22, 2024

Norway: The Netherlands Arctic Station, Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard

The Netherlands Arctic Station is owned and run by the Arctic Centre of the University of Groningen. It is  situated in Kongsfjorden on the island of Spitsbergen and is part of an international research community in the former mining town of Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard. In this town, more than 10 nations have their own station while using shared facilities for meals and recreation. The whole local community is focused on science and maintenance of infrastructure. Several stations have independent terrestrial research programs and the Netherlands Arctic Station is the smallest of all. During the summer months the Station Manager is Maarten Loonen, who is very collectors friendly, which can be seen from the beautiful cover below.


EUROPA 2023 - "Peace - the highest value of humanity" - Issued: 09-05-2023


Many thanks to Maarten for this beautiful cover!

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