Watson Lake is a town in Yukon, Canada, located at mile 635 on the Alaska Highway close to the British Columbia border. It had a population of 1,133 in 2021. The town is named for Frank Watson, an American-born trapper and prospector, who settled in the area at the end of the 19th century. The town is famous for its Sign Post Forest (as can be seen by the cancellation). It was started by a homesick GI in 1942. He was assigned light duty while recovering from an injury and erected the signpost for his hometown: Danville, Ill. 2835 miles. Visitors may add their own signs to the more than 100,000 already present.
Parliament Building - From Booklet - Issued: 30-03-1987
Maple Leaf - Issued: 28-12-1998
Tourism - From Far and Wide (from a set of 11) - Issued: 14-01-2019
University of Manitoba - Issued: 28-02-2002
Canadian Paintings (from a set of 2) - Issued: 22-05-1981
Many thanks again to Linda!
Watson Lake Sign Post Forest - (c) By Jadecolour at English Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=9651101